Recipes, Food tips and Insights

a graveyard of diets, tomb stones with diet names

Where all diets go to die- The Diet Graveyard

Why It’s Time to Stop Mourning What Never Worked If you’re over 50, chances are you’ve tried at least a handful of diets in your lifetime. Probabaly more than ever as Menopause approaches and your metabolism begins to slow down. Maybe they worked for a while, maybe they didn’t, but here’s the real question: Did…

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image shows a 50 year old woman and a 70 year old woman

What are the Myths About Aging Holding Women Back?

Aging Myths That Hold Women Back—and What They Really Mean Are You Over 50 and Feeling Invisible? Do you feel like the world expects you to fade into the background now that you’re over 50? Does it seem like your best years are behind you, and it’s all downhill from here? Well, I call BS…

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engaging the brain through creativity

Engaging Your Brain and Reduce Brain Fog

Are you worried about how your brain is functioning? Have you ever had those moments where you thought you’re losing your mind? Or are you feeling stressed because you can’t stay focused on one thing? You are not alone. Engaging your brain to reduce brain fog is a game changer. My experience working with others…

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Forgiveness for self care

Forgiving Yourself

Forgiving yourself for moving through the world to please others can release guilt around self-care. This allows us to embrace personal growth by acknowledging improved awareness and permitting better choices. Forgiveness permits us to set appropriate boundaries on how we are willing to be treated. Before self-love becomes liberating, rather than feeling like a burden…

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How Nurturing Yourself Through Self-Care Can Initiate Change

Self-care often gets tied to frivolous self-indulgence, there’s an untapped amount of physical and mental wellness that comes forward with purposeful actions toward wellness. Contrary to popular belief, dedicating a full day to nurturing oneself isn’t frivolous; it can initiate profound change and growth. Understanding the Benefits of Self-Care Looking at self-care means going beyond…

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Does Everyone Need Supplements to Stay Healthy?

Have you wondered if you need supplements? In the world of holistic wellness our connection to nature and our own bodies is at the heart of everything we do. The question of whether everyone needs supplements to stay healthy is a lot like tuning in to the rhythm of the Earth itself. We’ve journeyed for…

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Water is the Essence of Life

Water The Essence of Life.How many times have we heard how important water is, but what does that really mean? “Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is a blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith…

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You Have Great Potential

Too often we remain profoundly ignorant of a life that could be lived from the much great potential of what we really are. I pulled this card this morning from the Art of Expansion Deck and as always, I read it over and over again allowing the words to penetrate my thoughts and integrate them…

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Do You Get Enough Veggies, Part Two

The majority of people struggle to get enough of their daily recommended veggies into their bodies. Busy schedules and high food costs may be a contributing factor. In part two of How Do You Get Enough Veggies In Your Day I dive into more options for you. I hope you enjoy these suggestions and have…

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How Do You Get Enough Veggies Everyday?

Getting your daily recommended amount of veggies isn’t always easy. Our schedules are so busy between picking up the kids and not having time to plan out healthy meals that we often reach for a quick convenience foods that don’t include vegetables. Let’s focus on Energizing your Body. This is a two-part document, so be…

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