Water is the Essence of Life

Water The Essence of Life.
How many times have we heard how important water is, but what does that really mean?

“Water is the mirror that has the ability to show us what we cannot see. It is a blueprint for our reality, which can change with a single, positive thought. All it takes is faith if you’re open to it.”12

I believe that to be true on many levels and include it as food….or water… for thought. Many of my clients have noticed the significant difference it makes in their lives when they increase their water and it always pleasantly surprises them.

Here are some interesting facts you should be aware of, keeping in mind that water is H₂O, two hydrogen atoms with one oxygen atom:

•• Nearly 99 percent of the mass of the human body consists of just six chemical elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, calcium, and phosphorus. Another five elements make up most of the last percentage points: potassium, sulfur, sodium, chlorine, and magnesium. Hydration level (how much water you drink) makes a big impact on the amount of oxygen and hydrogen in your body and affects the relative composition of the rest of the elements.

•• Oxygen (O) comprises 65 percent of body weight.

•• Oxygen is the most abundant element in the human body. It’s mainly found bound to hydrogen in the form of water. Water, in turn, makes up about 60 percent of the human body and participates in countless metabolic reactions. 13

I would like each and every one of you to increase your water consumption by adding an extra glass a day. Then increase it by another half a glass a day until you are drinking lots of good, pure, clean water to feed your body, mind, and spirit. It takes a while for your body to adjust. If you feel like you are peeing every five seconds, that won’t last long. Your body adjusts to the increased intake and will be able to absorb it. I promise this is true unless you suffer from an underlying kidney or bladder condition.

Optimal being is very dependent on the water so be kind to yourself: pour a glass of water, sit down, and reflect on this information.

If you want to chat with me or have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out by email at kathleen@kathleenbulger.com or log into the site and download the free resources there. Remember a 30-minute assessment is always no charge and no obligation. It’s just an opportunity to get one or two burning questions answered to start you on your journey.

Take great care,


  1. : https://drjoedispenza.net/blog/general/the-passing-of-a-legend-dr-masaru-emoto-the-water-doctor-dies
  2. https://sciencenotes.org/elements-in-the-human-body-and-what-they-do
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Kathleen Bulger

Kathleen Bulger graduated from the Canadian School of Holistic Nutrition in 2017 with her certification as a Holistic Nutritional Consultant, She has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients helping them achieve a balanced state of health taking them from exhausted to energized and engaged.