I am using the Art of Expansion Cards and pulling one a month to write about. I am doing this because I practice what I preach so to speak. I rarely preach, but I have been known to jump up on the occasional soapbox and ride the wave of suds as I develop true self-awareness, which is crucial to holistic wellness.
This is the card I pulled. Who are you surrounding yourself with was the first question that pooped into my mind? Are they people with an innate curiosity willing to explore what might come up for them in both thoughts, feelings, and experiences? Who in my circle is courageous? ….and are they courageous enough to stand alone if they need to?…. Am I?
How courageous am I and where do I restrict myself and block my courage? WOW, all such incredibly important questions, am I willing to truly examine the answers? Or just skim the fluff on the surface to avoid seeing things I know are there but refuse to look at?
Sometimes my cultural and socially conditioned old beliefs try to quiet me in an attempt to keep me safe, so I will not be judged, but if that’s true, am I truly with MY people? Let go of the fear of being judged because what other people think of you is none of your business. Safety is an inside job.
I choose to surround myself with the people of like minds to myself, people who also believe “the high tide raises ALL the boats” and that there is enough for all. Fear of losing out on something is an illusion we create as a self-fulfilling prophecy. We create our own reality by the choices we make and it takes courage to own that truth. Uncomfortable though it may be in the moment.
When things come up, I try to pay attention and realize if this “opportunity” is meant for someone else, instead of feeling like it is out of alignment with me. Only then I can realize, it’s not for me, it is aligned with someone else. Then I know in my gut, that an opportunity that aligns with me is heading right for me, my job is to choose not to block it, to recognize it, act on the impulse, and allow it. I know that is true for all of us.
I dove into this message and considered, who can I have honest conversations with wonder and curiosity about the things I know to be true for me at this moment. I know that I will absolutely do the same for them and hold space for the expansion. I will support them in their courage to act on what they feel is true for them at that moment. Who can you have that deep conversation of truth with that contributes to your expansion?
I choose to surround myself with people who ask questions and don’t just take the media, the past, or one person’s perspective into account, they feel their thoughts and options rise up from within them. It is all about perspective.
Having the curiosity to explore and the courage to stand in your truth is amazing! Freeing! It can be a great source of connection, to yourself first and then to others.
Good community and support are important to your physical mental and emotional health. The three can not be considered separate, one always affects the other.
So, ask yourself, am I surrounding myself with those of courageous minds and courageous hearts?
And even more critical, am I standing in my truth with a courageous mind and heart?
If this is a conversation that resonated with you and would like to continue it, please don’t hesitate to reach out for a chat. Expansive conversations are always a gift we give ourselves and those we engage with. Book a call at kathleenbulger.com
Stay energized and engaged my friends,