Too often we remain profoundly ignorant of a life that could be lived from the much great potential of what we really are.
I pulled this card this morning from the Art of Expansion Deck and as always, I read it over and over again allowing the words to penetrate my thoughts and integrate them on a cellular level. I wanted every fiber of my being to hear/feel this message.
My mission in life is to live a rich, full meaningful life; to allow myself to really play with my own potential and not the imposed potential that was the opinion of the people who surrounded me as I grew up and moved through the world. I know you might be thinking “well that sounds pretty straightforward”…. but it isn’t.
I am realizing more and more as the layers fall away, that old beliefs, values, and attitudes that no longer serve me are embedded in places I didn’t realize and interfering with my own self-perception. That’s just crazy-making when I type that and re-read it because it is MY own self-perception, not anyone else’s yet I have allowed their view of me to interrupt my potential and my unlimited access to all that I am.
Well now that I am aware of that I can make a new and different choice, and I have.
I believe because of my work with the WEL-Systems® body of knowledge and all that I have learned from Louise, Sheila, and all of the other amazing Beings, that I am no longer profoundly ignorant. Yet still, I am getting familiar with my own potential because I have allowed other peoples’ perceptions of me to cloud the vision of myself in the mirror. It’s looking straight back at me yet I let shit that isn’t mine get in the way. Excuse the language but that’s what it is, shit is just waste byproducts of someone else’s thoughts, perceptions, beliefs, and opinions on who I am. It holds NO VALUE.
Did you get that? What they think of you is none of your business! When you become aware of that, only then do you have the freedom to choose. Choose “not that”! Choose you! Choose your true Self – your wonderfully wild, curious Self!
Chatting with people who move through the world that have been exposed to the WEL-Systems® paradigm has been incredibly expansive. It is an amazing journey! I recently had the opportunity to meet Louise LeBrun and Sheila Winter Wallace in person. Yes, I have been working with them in that body of knowledge for I think a year or two (it’s hard to say since time is so fluid) and I have never seen them in the flesh and felt the vibration of their energy until now. It was amazing.
We had a great conversation and I learned so much more about myself, but if we had sat in silence I would still have learned from their energy and their wisdom of being because they are exactly who they choose to be and nothing else! That’s awesome! I am choosing to be exactly who I am – moment to moment – and so are you! It’s not up to anyone else – it is up to you. It was the most amazing thing to become aware that all of the thoughts, opinions, rules, and beliefs I have had all of my life are just actually an opinion and I have the choice to create my own consciousness around that.
Does it sound like I am repeating myself? If it does, that’s great! You need to hear this in a way that resonated with you and how you can receive the information.
I am who I choose to be every minute of every day. Even when I choose to live by default, I am still choosing. What does “live by default” mean? To me, it means falling back into old easy patterns that may or may not benefit your evolution but they feel comfortable. My problem with that is that it’s ok for a bit, I guess, but very little evolution, truth, and expression is realized in old patterns and beliefs – I would guess none, in fact. I am embracing my evolution and falling into living by default way less often than ever before. Perfection is not the goal – the evolution of living in my truth, moment to moment, is the goal and I want that every moment of every day so the interruption of old habits has to happen.
A community of people that exists for their own evolution is incredible because it is where we find all aspects of our own consciousness starring us back in the face as opportunities to see ourselves differently than we have before.
You might ask why is this so important to someone who focuses on Holistic Nutrition? Because your thoughts become your reality as you perceive it to be. Your health is directly connected to your thoughts. You ingest and integrate thoughts, beliefs, values, and attitudes just the same as you do food, supplements, or water. When you feel dis-ease in your thoughts and feelings, you feel it in your body.
You move through the world as a Holistic Being. Your mind, thoughts, feelings, and spirit don’t sit on the couch eating popcorn while your body goes to work. We are complete, whole beautiful Beings who can embrace the full potential of what we are.