Is Exercising Making Up For All The Desk Time?

Does Weekly or Bi-weekly Exercise Make Up for a Whole Day of Sitting?

The short answer is NO, but there is good news and a simple remedy you can incorporate daily! Many of us spend most of the day sitting down. You commute to work and likely sit in an office or cubicle during the day. Even if you drive a truck, you still spend a great deal of time sitting. No, you have to include motion in every day.

The Benefits of Exercise

No one is disputing the benefits of exercise. There have been more than 40 studies in scientific literature documenting that the risk of cardiovascular disease can be cut by 30 to 50% when people partake in moderate exercise. I personally have looked at many studies being both a heart attack and stroke survivor, I take it seriously. I am not always 100% on my game but I am aware and I put the effort forward. You can too, join me! Some of the benefits of exercise include:

· Weight loss, for better healthy organ functions

· Increased overall health and a reduction in numerous diseases and health issues

· Elevated mood, producing feel good hormones through exercise

· Increased energy because of oxygen and blood flow

· Better sleep, because our bodies have used the energy appropriately

Exercise Alone Isn’t Enough to Undo the Damage Caused by Prolonged Sitting

Despite the benefits, exercise alone isn’t enough to counteract the damage done by excessive sitting. So, what can be done if exercising isn’t enough?

If you exercise regularly, definitely continue to do so. If you’re not exercising, start now. However, there are some additional things you can do to prevent the damage done by prolonged sitting.

Implement these suggestions for getting up and moving more often:

  1. Add variety to your day. OSHA recommends mixing some non-computer-related tasks into your workday. Although you may need to spend some time sitting at the computer, find other tasks that require you to get up and walk around.
  2. Consider using an exercise ball instead of a chair. Because an exercise ball is unstable, it requires you to balance yourself using various stabilizer muscles in your legs and core.

· Sitting on an exercise ball is good for your back and it helps keep your spine in proper alignment.

  1. Get up and stand at your desk. If you have to be at your desk all day, there’s no rule that prevents you from standing up. Activating your muscles gets the blood flowing.

Conventional wisdom would have us believe that getting a decent amount of exercise would offset the negative effects of prolonged sitting. However, exercise alone isn’t the answer. So, make some adjustments today and lessen the amount of sitting you do. Your body will thank you.

Check out my free course for more tips and tricks:

Have a great day!

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Kathleen Bulger

Kathleen Bulger graduated from the Canadian School of Holistic Nutrition in 2017 with her certification as a Holistic Nutritional Consultant, She has had the pleasure of working with hundreds of clients helping them achieve a balanced state of health taking them from exhausted to energized and engaged.