Optimal being includes a close look at how what you consume feeds your body, your mind and your spirit. Every time you consume something, it has a vibrational effect on your body. I can prove it. Sit and watch a Stephen King horror movie; now pay attention to your pulse, your breathing and the temperature of the palms of your hands. Being in a state of anticipation of something terrible happening changes your vibration. You just consumed the information of a horror movie. The same is true on the other spectrum. Cuddle up and watch a warm-hearted family movie where serendipitous, amazing things happen, and the movie has a heart-warming ending. Is the feeling you have different? Is your breathing more relaxed? Are you feeling calm and warm all over (possibly a tear is rolling down your cheek)? You have just consumed a different vibration of energy, so your vibration changed.
Your food also contains energy. It is either energy from the place where it is grown, or energy from the processes that happen to it. By processes, I mean everything from actual processing (prefab foods) to cleaning, irradiating, packaging, shipping in trucks for long distances and delivery to stores where they are kept for months under bright florescent lights in warehouses. All of these things can deplete the nutritional value and energetic value of your foods.
Everything we eat holds an energetic value in several ways. Some count the energy in only calories. Others, who have raised their awareness, know that food is more than just calories and understand that it holds vibrational energy. Its basic physics really.
Your Business is directly attached to how you feel, your health, and your vibration. I have been in the final stages of developing a great online course to replace my face to face teaching that can not happen at this time in history. I can wait to share it with you!
Have an optimal day,
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